My recent trip to Malibu California had many blessings with God’s beautiful creation only one part that stood out… The opportunity for prayer was abound.
I finally had the chance to meet up with Alexis Walkenstein who hosts Mary’s Touch radio and who also works on the production and promotion of films such as “Heaven is for Real,” “The Schack,” “Bella,” “Little Boy,” and other faith based movies… We all went to Mass at Our Lady of Malibu which is a beautiful church located in the foothills just off the ocean.
Afterwards, we had the chance to pray for everyone on the prayer list and said a special prayer for Lelia Moran who had another setback as she didn’t qualify for a new promising experimental study which sent her parents back to the drawing board…
After Praying, Alexis offered to give Lelia a relic that belongs to the Venerable Fulton John Sheen. Another powerful offering… Alexis is writing a book about Fulton Sheen to be out next year which should be fascinating!
To help counter the recent setbacks, I/we increased our prayers for Lelia and for everyone else… Upon my return home, I was the photographer for the Southwest West Catholic Youth Conference (SWCYC) held on Saturday which provided me with plenty of opportunities for more prayer…
Two wonderful men of God, Bishop Wall from NM and Bishop Berg from Colorado prayed for everyone on our prayer list and for Lelia. A youth minister named Kelly Colangelo also prayed for everyone… At the event we also had 4 different sisters pray for Lelia and all others on our list… After I told them the news of Lelia’s setback, they all reminded me that with God anything is possible…
I also told them of all the healings and other answered prayer we have already seen resulting from all the faithful praying.
After praying, one sister named Sister Gabriel from Alamosa, CO said that she received a word from the Holy Spirit that she was to give her beloved Relic Rosary to Lelia… It was a powerful moment! The Relic belongs to Fr. James Flanagan who was the founder of their order which is the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.
As St. John Paul II has told us, we can never give up and must go forward in faith in Christ Jesus! We must meet resistance and setbacks with increased prayer!
With all the prayer that Lelia and others have received throughout the world, there is no doubt in my mind that God’s will shall be done… I just hope and pray that His will includes healing and long life for all those suffering right now… This is my steadfast prayer, that God will deliver all those on our Prayer list, especially those in most need right now…
The youth conference was the best ever!