Author Archives: PatrickD

The Battle Belongs to The Lord

Please click on this link to view – The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Father’s Palm Sunday Homily

Prayer Hike and Nature

Angel’s Among Us!

**Angels among us!

**Picture was published in an international magazine…. on my late dad’s birthday today! No coincidence here… They shared my story with thousands of readers across the world….

Right after taking this picture which appears like an angel formed by the clouds (top picture), a beautiful ray of light appeared out of the distant horizon just for a moment, allowing me to take this shot with the mountains highlighted with God’s beautiful light (bottom picture)… this was just published today in an international Landscape Photography Magazine… It was special to receive the news on my dad’s birthday who has since passed away. Those who have read my book know a lot about my dad….

I’ve been published before so that wasn’t a big deal but to have been able to write up a story about an angel appearing to me in a secular magazine with thousands of viewers is very exciting…


















God Bless everyone~


Hail Mary – MP3

My Son’s Hail Mary song he quickly composed for me… 

Lelia Moran is now in Heaven

I am devastated to share this ……… Here are the heartbreaking words from Lelia’s father MIchael Moran:

“Lelia Winsboro Cross Moran. Her name is all the eloquence I have for now. She has passed. Grateful for all of you.”

Today is St. Nicholas’s feast day, the same day my beloved Grandma passed away. Another beautiful connection with precious Lelia…. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children….

Having received this Heart breaking news today I am literally paralyzed in sorrow for this little saint who helped so many… It has taken awhile before I could dry my eyes enough and stop my hands from shaking long enough before I could write this post…

Like with many of you, I have come to love Lelia as if she was our own daughter… This special bond I/we have for her is unique… it is a spiritual bond given by God and His Holy Spirit…. We, our family, and your family have all become so close and attached to her… This is soooooo painful to write this…. and even more painful to know that she is no longer on this earth…..

So Sorry……..

I would like to start foremost to offer my family’s heartfelt condolences to the Moran family for their great loss… To Lelia’s father Michael, and Rebecca her mother, and her two brothers and all her close family members….

Everyone did everything in their power to keep this beautiful little girl alive… which helped to buy precious time… Every precious second in life matters….

Everything possible thing was done… an explosion of prayers were said throughout the world… The best qualified medical team did everything possible to help save precious Lelia …. And the best, most loving, most caring parents, brothers, family, and friends in the world gave everything they could possibly give of themselves to help save and make life as comfortable as possible for Lelia Moran from this dreaded disease…

And Lelia Moran fought the good fight ever step of the way, no matter how hard it became… She was always, and always will be a beacon of hope and light to all who suffer… Her strength was not of this world… God was with her through it all… Her steadfast faith that “Jesus has healed her!” was more than enough to move mountains, as it helped to bring many 1000’s throughout the world together in prayer… some for the first time in many years…

As Laurie Wade told me early on, Lelia became a conduit of prayer for many… I personally received many messages from people who were also struggling with health problems and other difficulties that eagerly shared with me how this little angel, Lelia Moran, had given them hope to face their own problems and struggles… In fact, some of these people were actually cured from cancer and other ailments…

Lelia’s suffering did not go in vain… Her suffering, as brutal as it was for her to endure, and as brutal as it was for her family to have to witness day in and day out, helped many come to believe and to be healed… This courageous little girl helped deepen my prayer life through her example of perseverance despite her hardship… Her beautiful presence and heavenly smile was always a ray of hope and light no matter how difficult it became for Lelia and others who love her…

This type of suffering is what saints are born of… And there is no doubt that all would agree that Lelia is a saint…

As Heaven celebrates its newest Saint, all of us left behind are completely devastated from the loss of this special child of God who has been temporarily taken away from us in her bodily form…. But we know that in spirit, Lelia will always be with us, as our new intercessor, praying in union with all the angels and saints, our Blessed Mother Mary, to our Lord Jesus on our behalf…

Lelia quickly became my spiritual daughter in Christ, someone who I love more than words can describe…
We have a special connection with nature… She would first tell her mom, Rebecca, unusually the day before, about a certain animal she was thinking about and then the next day or even about the same time, I would see that animal as it would literally come to me and beg to be filmed and I would share it with them soon afterwards… This went on more than once…. It was very special to me and I think also to Lelia and her family as well…

I am sure this special bond will continue to flourish as I go up on our daily prayer hike but now, it will be even more special as I know Lelia will be present in spirit as we pray for all who suffer… It is amazing to think that Lelia will be side by side with Jesus and Mother Mary, praying for all of us… So many people will benefit from her powerful intercession, as a great crown will be awarded to her in Heaven…

The pain I feel is very deep… I can’t even imagine how painful this must be to the Moran’s and all who were close to Lelia…

My prayer, my family’s prayer, our whole team of prayer warriors, are praying with all our hearts that the Moran’s and their loved ones can be consoled and comforted in their time of great loss.

I love you precious angel, I will never forget you, I will always be praying for you and yours dear Lelia… And will long to be reunited with you one day in Heaven with all those I have had to regretfully say good-bye to…

May our Lord Jesus, through the fire of His Merciful Love and Divine Mercy for Lelia and all of us, bring strength, peace, comfort, hope, and love especially to those left behind who will greatly miss Lelia and all the wonder and joy that this remarkable little 4 year old blessed so many people’s lives with….

We miss you Lelia… May God be with you and your family, and may you rest in peace and complete love, happiness, and joy with our Lord Jesus, and all in Heaven…

I am devastated to share this ……… Here are the heartbreaking words from Lelia's father MIchael Moran: "Lelia…

Posted by Patrick Dillon on Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Fire in the Sky – Christ of the Mines

Last night’s sky was on fire with God’s beautiful love and creation following our Prayers for Lelia and all those suffering…

It has been so inspirational reading all the prayers coming in for Lelia and all those on our prayer list recently. Yesterday afternoon, I felt I needed to go up high in the mountains to offer praise and worship to God for hearing all of our prayers. I was trying to get to a location in the alpine around 13K but on the way up the snow started getting deeper and I begin to slide on the narrow steep road which had a sizable cliff on its edge.

I’m usually stubborn about things like this in a bad way, but this time I listened to common sense and turned around before I got into the trouble. I only had about a half hour before sunset and didn’t know where to go. Then it hit me like a rock, Christ of the Mines Shrine was only 15 minutes away, which has a huge statue of Jesus overlooking the town of Silverton Colorado located high in The Rocky Mountains. I have a lot of family history there leading back to the gold mining days so this place is always special to me. … I’ve also had several unique religious experiences while at this shrine where my prayers were answered in a big way.

I just wondered why I didn’t want to go there in the first place? But now, I was being called, redirected, and I was very excited to get there. Upon arriving, it was mostly overcast but there were a few breaks. This place has a little grotto where people place votive candles with images of Mary, Jesus, St. Joseph and others and light these candles for offered prayers.

This Shrine is a gorgeous setting with a the large statue of Jesus overlooking his beautiful alpine creation! I quickly set up my gear and started to pray. When it was already passed sunset, I figured any hope for some color was already over but then some fiery red patches started to develop near the horizon which quickly exploded into a beautiful light show! I sat there all alone praising Jesus for all He has done for us and in thanksgiving for all of you for your beautiful prayers and your love for Lelia and her family and for all those who we are praying for on our prayer list.

The prayers found on my last post for Lelia were exceptional as I can really see the Holy Spirit working among us.

The fiery red sunset blew up into a beautiful mosaic with Jesus there watching it all! I wasn’t alone at that point as I could feel God’s presence in a special way! Behind me was the Grotto with the votive candles, which included an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Joseph, and Saint Jude.

The sunset had faded away, or so I thought, as darkness started to set in. The flickering flame from one of the candles lit was most beautiful as it radiated is beautiful light illuminating the other images as I prayed. I couldn’t help myself from taking a picture of this with the peak in the background. I then turn back to Jesus and started to pray the Rosary – the Sorrowful Mysteries.

Looking to my left, I noticed a brilliant red light which appeared to be moving up from the top of the peaks, almost like the Aurora Borealis. We don’t get that phenomenon here as we are too far south so it was definitely unique and caught my attention. I kept growing in size so I stopped praying for a moment and set up my gear again to try and capture it. It was difficult to focus as was so dark. I had to set my focus ring to infinity which leaves it up to chance a bit but I was fortunate to get a pretty clear shot which I was able to share with you. I witness 100’s hundreds of sunsets each year and this one was definitely unique!

I took it as a sign from God as everything is a sign from Him because He created it all and continues to create every moment… After it faded away, shivering in the cold dark night, I went back to the base of Jesus’ statue and continued with my Rosary. After a couple of decades, It started to snow so I hiked back to my car and finish my Rosary on the way back home.

This experience was a gift, a confirmation from our Lord, that He is with us, actively participating in everything that we do, and I believe He likes to show us when he is pleased as I feel He is pleased that we are all praying together as brothers and sisters in Christ. It is amazing to me, that one little girl named Lelia Moran can bring so many people together in prayer, through her steadfast faith, her perseverance, her suffering, and her heavenly smile and divine presence. I truly believe we are witnessing a saint, but at the same time, I am pleading with God to heal this little girl and make her whole again, to end her suffering and allow her to live a happy normal life with her family and friends… this is my heartfelt hope for all those we are praying for on our prayer list and those throughout the world!

Your perfect will be done Lord Jesus! Amen…

Thanks for viewing!


Malibu plus SWCYC = Prayer

My recent trip to Malibu California had many blessings with God’s beautiful creation only one part that stood out… The opportunity for prayer was abound.

I finally had the chance to meet up with Alexis Walkenstein who hosts Mary’s Touch radio and who also works on the production and promotion of films such as “Heaven is for Real,” “The Schack,” “Bella,” “Little Boy,” and other faith based movies… We all went to Mass at Our Lady of Malibu which is a beautiful church located in the foothills just off the ocean.

Afterwards, we had the chance to pray for everyone on the prayer list and said a special prayer for Lelia Moran who had another setback as she didn’t qualify for a new promising experimental study which sent her parents back to the drawing board…

After Praying, Alexis offered to give Lelia a relic that belongs to the Venerable Fulton John Sheen. Another powerful offering… Alexis is writing a book about Fulton Sheen to be out next year which should be fascinating!

To help counter the recent setbacks, I/we increased our prayers for Lelia and for everyone else… Upon my return home, I was the photographer for the Southwest West Catholic Youth Conference (SWCYC) held on Saturday which provided me with plenty of opportunities for more prayer…

Two wonderful men of God, Bishop Wall from NM and Bishop Berg from Colorado prayed for everyone on our prayer list and for Lelia. A youth minister named Kelly Colangelo also prayed for everyone… At the event we also had 4 different sisters pray for Lelia and all others on our list… After I told them the news of Lelia’s setback, they all reminded me that with God anything is possible…

I also told them of all the healings and other answered prayer we have already seen resulting from all the faithful praying.

After praying, one sister named Sister Gabriel from Alamosa, CO said that she received a word from the Holy Spirit that she was to give her beloved Relic Rosary to Lelia… It was a powerful moment! The Relic belongs to Fr. James Flanagan who was the founder of their order which is the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.

As St. John Paul II has told us, we can never give up and must go forward in faith in Christ Jesus! We must meet resistance and setbacks with increased prayer!

With all the prayer that Lelia and others have received throughout the world, there is no doubt in my mind that God’s will shall be done… I just hope and pray that His will includes healing and long life for all those suffering right now… This is my steadfast prayer, that God will deliver all those on our Prayer list, especially those in most need right now…

The youth conference was the best ever!


St. John Paul II feast day and Friday night lights!

St. John Paul II feast day and Friday night lights!

“I plead with you, never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” St. John Paul II

While praying for everyone last Friday on my prayer hike at the cross, it was late evening under dark cloudy skies… I was asking our Lord to please help those in most need such as Lelia and others suffering from cancer and other illnesses.

When we started praying our Rosary for all the good God has given us, such as healing the woman on our prayer list from cancer, and for the small improvements like giving precious Lelia Moran and her family some much needed positive news recently, the dark clouds suddenly changed to a beautiful fiery-red as if God was pleased with our prayers and offering of thanksgiving!

Like many of you, St. John Paul II was a huge influence in my life, especially when it comes to prayer… It is partly because of him and my experience at Medjugorje that I have such a passion for prayer. His humility and passion for Christ and Our Lady have set the example for me to follow which has been instrumental in my faith!

Happy St. John Paul II feast day everyone!


St. Mother Cabrini, British Columbia, our prayer list, and Pilgrimage


Visiting Beautiful British Columbia is hard to match with the beautiful prayer hikes I was so fortunate to take… but the surprise of my trip happened in Colorado on the way home at St. Mother Cabrini’s Shrine located just west of Denver. My sister and mom recommended I go and see it as I have driven past this shrine many times and never paid a visit… I not sure why but I never did… Until now!

What a gift this place of prayer is…. It is like a mini Medjugorje with the church, the mountain hike with the stations of the Cross and a large statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on top to greet you… Mother Cabrini was a marvelous woman who followed God by taking care of orphans in the Denver area…

She purchased this beautiful property high above Denver for a place for the orphans to go away on retreat. Just like with Lourdes, she and her sisters dug for a water well and they miraculously hit a spring that has provided water for this shrine ever since.

Without planning anything, I ended up meeting several people that have been to Medjugorje and one woman that had predicted an earthquake that occured only 2 hours after taking with her on the phone.. I brought this up on an earlier post.

We all got together at the base of the hill and prayed for Lelia Moran’s complete healing and for everyone else on our prayer list. We also prayed for all those affected by the fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters going on in our world today. 
It was truly quality prayer-time! We then proceeded up the mountain to do the stations of the cross where I offered up a prayer for Lelia and all on our prayer list at each station. I felt like I was back in Medjugorje!

On top, at the large statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I was overwhelmed with the smell of flowers. I thought it was just me but then another person said they also smelled the flowers before I said anything… All the flowers on top were dead from the cold fall temperatures. I have only had this experience a few times before, once in a church while praying the Rosary. I feel confident that Mary was there with us in our presence… The power of the Holy Spirit was also really present…

This was a short but wonderful pilgrimage that I will most certainly do again, soon! God Bless everyone!