Tag Archives: catholic

Missionaries of Charity Praying for your prayer requests!

I’ve brought in the big guns for your prayer requests – the Missionaries of Charity Sisters – MC’s (St. Teresa of Calcutta’s order)!

One of the Sister’s at this convent became an MC after she went to Medjugorje. She named herself after the visionary Mirjana after she Joined their order. This isn’t an isolated case as 100’s of Priests and Nuns have come to their vocation after experiencing Medjugorje which in my opinion has been one of the greatest fruits…

I took this picture at the celebration of the now St. Teresa of Calcutta’s being honored as a Saint! It was a wonderful celebration to be present with the Sisters and the local Bishop Wall to celebrate this special occasion!

It has been an honor to pray for all those who have sent me prayer requests. These are serious matters that require more than I can handle alone. That is why I am also sending them to my beloved Sisters in Christ who have been there spiritually for my family and I for years. I have personally witnessed their incredible power of prayer. Their faith is unmatched and their entire life revolves around daily Mass and prayer. I feel certain that your requests will be in the best hands possible with the Missionaries of Charity as your intercessor. They will place these prayer requests at the foot of Mary’s statue in their private chapel. In addition to their prayers they will have Fr. Pio and other priests bless all on this list.

I am also sending this prayer request list with a special person to Medjugorje in the coming weeks to be prayed over.

Know that God will answer your prayers but like I have to keep reminding myself – we must do our part by praying as well and then believe that God is with us in all things. We can do this through Christ’s strength within us!

I will also continue to pray for you on my evening prayer hike… God Bless!

Mary, Wildflowers, Moonlight, and Prayers

I set out once again to the high country last night  to pray for the now 100’s of people requesting prayers for many reasons.  I have been taking along a postcard of Mary I purchased back in 1990 while  my sister and I were on pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  I attached Mary to all the prayer requests that I printed out and we prayed three Rosaries and a novena for all those needing prayers with the help of all those who are also praying.  We prayed for the youth in our families and around the world!

I climbed to a location just under 13,000 feet (13K) and found a beautiful field full of wildflowers.  It was the perfect place for prayer!  I didn’t want to leave even though it was getting dark. Then, I noticed a white globe coming up in the horizon and was surprised to see the moon coming up.  It was a beautiful bonus to a perfect evening high in the Rocky Mountains.

My camera lens and a flash helped to highlight the scene with the lens creating a nice star burst effect around the moon. It looks like the Star of Bethlehem which was perfect for the scene with Mary.  

****(Note – Recently added after prayer! –When the darkness set in, all the wild wildflowers faded away. After reflection and prayer, this reminded me of the dark times in my own life. Then, without warning, a beautiful light appeared on the horizon which soon afterwards illuminated the beautiful scene once again. The rising moon reminded me of Jesus who shines his brilliant loving light upon us in our time of need to remove the darkness. GOD IS WITH US! He loves and wants the best for us. If you are struggling right now, hold fast to our Lord’s healing light. Focus alone on this light and the darkness in your life will be replaced with the light of health, joy, hope, love, compassion, mercy, and faith in the one who loves and cares for us!)***

It was also Mary’s birthday according to the seers from Medjugorje so I put aside all my photographic aspirations and focused all my attention on her petitions through prayer.  

The prayers felt as powerful as the beautiful scene that I was so fortunate to witness.  My hope is that at least some of your prayers were answered. If not yet, I pray that this scene can provide you with some hope and joy by experiencing God’s beautiful creation!  God Bless!