Precious Blood of Jesus



A sign of Hope for the unborn and for us!

A while back, I was sent a beautiful picture from a volunteer from LifeGuard, a pro-life organization that I volunteer with. During the Friday Mass at their private chapel, the Priest was wiping off the Chalice containing the Blood of Christ when he noticed that the leftover consecrated wine had stained his cloth in the shape of a preborn baby. He instantly recognized the shape and informed everyone present after Mass.

I too had no problem seeing the resemblance of a precious preborn baby and feel certain that it was a sign from Jesus that He was pleased with their work protecting the unborn…

I was especially drawn to it because it happened close to when the Southwest Catholic Youth Conference – ( that LifeGuard hosts annually with nearly 1,000 kids in attendance. I help out with this event taking care of all the photography so this meant a lot to me personally and helped provide some needed inspiration for our ministry for the unborn and for our youth.

Today, many of us are tightening our seat belts as the turbulence of suffering is on the rise. Everywhere we look, turmoil is breaking out especially for those who have loved ones suffering from illness and those who have become homeless due the recent string of hurricanes and wildfires that seem to be out of control lately here in the US and abroad….

That is why we need to remain focused on the One who is in control of all of this.

GOD IS IN CONTROL! Can anyone give me an Amen!

The only way to stay focused is for us to remain in constant prayer. Our Lady of Medjugorje recently told us through her messages that times will come where everything will fall apart around us such as our material possessions, money and other worldly items, leaving only our Faith and family to sustain us! I think many are already there.


God is truly with us and will help us no matter how desperate our situation appears even to the point where the impossible becomes possible! God is always close to those who are in harms way and I think the picture of the unborn baby is a reminder of this.

I am praying hard for all of you, especially those who have requested prayer. Not a day goes by where you all are not in my prayers and I thank you for your prayers.

It is no accident that we have all joined together in prayer which is another example of how Our Lord Jesus is with us! I hope this picture of the unborn baby can provide you with hope that is much needed today.

God Bless and may His divine protection and love be with all of you!

#PrayforLelia #HurricanIrma #HurricaneHarvey #God #Jesus #Mary#Prayer #prolife #Catholic #Christian

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