Mary’s Presence Matters

Mary’s Presence Matters!
Every evening I have been going to a special place to pray for peace in our families and the world as Our Lady of Medjugorje has requested. I have also prayed for those here with prayer requests that I have written down on a list that keeps growing.
The picture attached here of Mary in the wildflowers was taken on Sunday evening while praying high in the alpine above 12K. Mary looks so beautiful surrounded by her Son’s creation. I also tried to take some pictures without Mary and the attached prayer list but they all seem so void and empty now without her… This is probably a good thing as my love for Mary and others continue to grow each day. This isn’t so good for my photo assignments that I have gotten behind on…. Oh well!
Last evening, I forgot to take Mary and the prayer list with me and I near disaster struck. I arrived late in the evening as a beautiful sunset was taking shape. Suddenly, my engine started smoking so bad that I thought it was on fire. I pulled over and upon inspection, noticed a fuel line was leaking. I spent the next hour making the temporary repair. By the time I was finished, the sunset was gone and darkness had set in.
Was it because I didn’t have Mary and the list with me? It definitely makes me wonder as something like this has never happened before… I’ll definitely remember to bring it with me tonight!
The more I pray especially for others, the closer I feel to Mary and Jesus. At first, my increased prayer was difficult to get through. But just as Our Lady of Medjugorje told us through her messages, it has become easier the more I do it. I am now looking forward to it with great joy!
Increased prayer has opened up new opportunities daily. My sister and I were recently able to talk with a group of college students about our Medjugorje experience which was a real honor. We plan to start doing this more often where ever the requests come from especially since Mary has again asked us to pray for our youth at Ivan’s recent Apparition Hill apparition.
God bless everyone!

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