Mary’s Suffering



At the time of our pilgrimage to Medjugorje, the former Yugoslavian war was about to break out with military helicopters and fighter jets buzzing the skies above Medjugorje. 
This statue of Mary in front of St. James really told the story. Her stained face with what appeared to be a tear streak coming from her right eye might have been a glimpse of the extreme suffering that pursued in the bloody civil war which broke out shortly after we departed.
Mary continues to offer up her sacrifices for our us in order that we may come back to her Son Jesus. Similar circumstances are taking place today only in the form of terrorism and secularism and is why living out Mary’s messages are so important right now.
We/I must become MEDJUGORJE STRONG! in order to withstand the evil upon us….

#Medjugorje #Mary #Prayer #Jesus #Christian

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